Monday, November 22, 2010

Nov.22 2010

Nov.22 2010
Greetings from Joy,

Bill had a new PIC line put in his other (right) arm today in preparation for the GVD chemo therapy tomorrow. The procedure was done in about an hour and Bill said that the removal of the old one was easy.

We are hopeful that this will be the right mix of chemo that will put a stop to the hodgkin's lymphoma and then allow Bill do start the stem cell transplant protical.

When we went to the Cleveland Clinic Bill found out about a follow on trial that he may be a candidate for. If that looks promising perhaps he will end up doing the stem cell transplant up at the Cleveland Clinic
instead of the Cincinnati Jewish Hospital. There are several other things that need to happen and unfold before we cross that bridge. (hum, that is a Bill saying if there ever was one)

For now please keep Bill in your prayers. Seeing the chemo therapy being installed with Divine Intelligence targeting the cells that are not of benefit to Bill's Body. Also seeing his healthy red and white blood cells able to rejuvinate with ease in harmony with the chemo therapy.

We are planning a low key Thanksgiving with the four of us and the NEW BUTTERBALL TURKEY FRYER!!!Its suppose to be safe? and easy to use. Bill who in the past never had time to watch TV was quite taken by the turkey fryer infomercial and so when it looked like it was something he wanted I told him to go for it!
Ha ha ha and so the adventure of turkey frying is before us.

Thank You for all of your prays and well wishes.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Update from Joy ~ November 10, 2010

Greetings from Joy,

The PET scan that Bill had on Thursday Nov. 4th indicated that he would need more and a different kind of chemo therapy before he can begin the stem cell transplant. Although there is less along the center of his chest...there still is some active cell growth in that place near his heart as well as a small spot on the back of his neck and a few spots on the edge of his liver.

Bill is going to gather additional information up at the Cleveland Clinic on Tuesday Nov 16th and then should be able to make a choice as to what is the best chemo treatment plan for this next phase of clearing the cancer.

It was pretty "sucky" news when Bill found out that he would need more chemo before he could go thru the stem cell protocol however, He has had a few days to do some research as well and a chance to see the scan. And although it's not great to see the "hot spots" it was somewhat reassuring that its not that much... and the 3rd type of chemo must be the charm to clear the rest of the cancer so that Bill can begin the stem cell program.

Overall I would have to say Bill is hanging in there. He has not had chemo for about a month and he seems to be completely recovered from his lung surgery. He is still tired and takes a few naps here and there through out the day.

He still has his eye brows and eye lashes and a few hairs remain on the side of his head.Mostly he is the same old Bill or Bubba just not as energetic as he was before.

One guilty pleasure that he has discovered, Fraser is on Mid morning TV and thankfully that makes him laugh. So I am now on the hunt for the Fraser DVD's starting at season one.I looked at Target and did not have any luck. So if you happen to be out and about and happen to find Fraser DVD let me know. Thanks.

Until the next post know that Bill is hanging in there. He misses work and would like to be doing something useful soon. Please continue to see Bill as healthy and well, as you pray for him, as well has being free and clear of cancer.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. It means so much to Bill and myself as well.

Thank You