Friday, November 27, 2009

Update, November 27

I got my fourth chemotherapy session this morning. I'm feeling pretty good.
I will get my white blood cell booster shot tomorrow.

I have felt really the good this week, the best I've felt in months.

The only 'negative' this week is that I'm starting to lose hair. But let's face it, there wasn't much on top to start with and who couldn't stand to lose some of the hair on their back and the tops of their feet?

Thanks again for all your prayers and support. I have a series of CT and PET scans that I'll get on Monday morning. I will have much more information next week on my condition.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday, November 14

Yesterday, I got my third chemotherapy treatment. That went fine. I will be getting another white blood cell booster shot from Joy later today. Although these make my drousy for a couple of days, the doctor told me that this side effect will decrease through my treatments.

I also had to visit the hospital this week because my temperature rose to 100.5. It turned out to be a mild case of the flu, however, the doctors are always cautious and bring me in to make sure I don't have any type of bacterial infection. It turns out to have been a 48 hour viral bug and I feel fine now.

However, while I was at the hospital, I picked up good news from my blood tests and my x-rays. My white blood cell count is back to normal and my immunity system is strong. This means I'll need to get the white blood cell booster shot after every chemotherapy session. They also learned from the x-ray that my tumor had shrunk another 2-3 cm. So, I continue to make very good progress. But, there's still a long way to go.

Thank you again for all your kind wishes, thoughts, and prayers.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

November 7 - Trachea Stent Removed

I got the trachea stent removed yesterday at the Cleveland Clinic. Everything went well. It only took the doctor 10 minutes to remove the stent. Of course, I was knocked out and don't remember a thing.

I feel much better today. With the stent gone, I no longer cough in the morning or after meals.
I also have more energy and none of the body aches I had earlier this week after I had the white blood cell shot.

Once again, I appreciate all your prayers and best wishes.

My next chemotherapy session is next Friday at the Wright Patterson hosptial. I will no longer need to return to the Cleveland Clinic.

Peace and love,