Friday, December 17, 2010

Update From Bill, Dec 17

Since the last post, I've had the port intalled and have had 3 treatments with the chemotherapy medicicne GVD. Like the rest of these medicicnes, GVD makes me very tired. I did, however, receive a blood transfusion this week and that has helped make breathing easier and has given me more energy.

I will get one more treatment with GVD on Dec 21. Sometime the week after Christmas, I will get another PET scan to see if the GVD is keeping the cancer from spreading. If the GVD is successful, I will start a bone marrow transplant program as early as January. In conjunction with a bone marrow transplant, I may also participate in a clinical trial at the Cleveland Clinic on a new medicine called XGN-35. XGN-35 has shown great promise in keeping Hodgkin's from recurring in patients who have undergone a bone marrow transplant.

I thank everyone again for your support and prayers during this time. I'll post an update after I've gotten my PET scan.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Up date from Joy

Um last week that new PIC line stopped working and so the Dr's took it out on that Monday. And Bill got the chemo the old fashioned way. He did fine with it. Tomorrow on Monday Dec. 6th the plan is to put a port in the right side.

A port will be nice because it does not require as much up keep as the PIC line.

That will be taking place at WPAFB hospital around 10:00 if you have a min to take a breath and send some love and a few heavenly helpers around Bill at that time it would be so appreciated.

WE ALL want to THANK EVERYONE who has sent us Fraser DVD's. So much fun to watch as a family. I did not think Bridget would like them...however that girl if full of suprises.

If fact at Bridgets skating competion this weekend up in Ann Arbor she took a big fall and so tomorrow I will be bring her to WPAFB to get checked out as well. My goodness. We will see if she need and MRI on her knee tomorrow. Good thing everything is on the same floor and just a few hallways apart.

With that said I think Bridget and her Dad will be enjoying the DVD's together. THANK YOU!

Will let you know how the port instlation goes tomorrow.